AVIEW | EMDB is a comprehensive database which is established by APLUS Enerji includes detailed information regarding Turkish Energy Market. AVIEW | EMDB works integrated with all AVIEW and RIX | ETRM solution family.

In AVIEW | EMDB, below listed information and data are included:

  • Types of Power Plants
  • Efficiency, turbine, technology and cycle type data of power plants
  • Techoeconomic information and data regarding power plants
  • Historical demand data
  • Demand profiles of customers according to customer type and distribution region
  • Hourly meteorological data and forecasts from airports
  • Fuel prices including natural gas, local and imported coal and motorin
  • Historical electricity tariffs
  • Macroeconomic data from sources like TUIK (Turkish Statistics Institute), Ministry of Development, IEA, World Bank, etc.