APLUS Enerji Investment Consultancy Technology Trade Ltd. Co.
APLUS Enerji is a young and dynamic company which was established in 2009 after the approval of its Research & Development (R&D) project by Republic of Turkey Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization’s (KOSGEB) Technology R&D Support fund.
APLUS Enerji Investment Consulting Technology & Trade Co. Ltd. is an independent consultancy and technology development company with a strong focus in the energy value chain. APLUS strives to bridge the gap between OT, IT and Quant domains by providing performant, transparent and user-friendly software tools and reports based on the state-of-the art mathematical approaches. The products offered by APLUS include short and long term load and price forecasting, integrated energy trade and risk management solution and plant dispatch optimization tools. In addition to providing consultancy for its tools and the business processes around these tools, APLUS also provides financial and technical feasibility studies for power plants, technical and market consultancy for Smart Grid projects and finally regulatory and strategic consultancy for international clients interested in the Turkish Energy market.
APLUS Enerji provides various services, from technical & financial feasibility studies to market and regulation research, to local and international investors who are active or willing to be active in electricity generation, distribution and trade:
-Technical and financial consultancy in generation and distribution privatization
-Master Plan report preparation services for distribution companies
-Technical specifications and tender process consultancy for SCADA/DMS/OMS/AMR, GIS and EAM projects
-Load flow analysis services for large scale power plants
-Pre-investment feasibility studies for renewable power plants
-Services for market regulation consultancy
-Market analysis and market research reporting services
-Consultancy services for communication projects specific to energy market
APLUS Enerji, provides strategic consultancy services for companies in order to enable them to take right decision by combining its know-how and experience together with its AVIEW and RIX | ETRM software solutions. Energy trade and risk strategy developing along with process and organization design are the most imperative ones among these services. Other services in this area are as following:
-Analysis of company organization and work flow
-Establishing organizational structure for energy companies
-Evaluation and reporting services for corporate risk analysis
-Developing procurement strategies and establishing strategic roadmaps
-Creating solutions for cloud-based information technologies (IT)
-Corporate data engineering
-Consultancy services for corporate performance management
APLUS Enerji has started its technology development activities with AVIEW | HOURLY project which is an hourly electricity demand forecast model supported by Republic of Turkey Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization’s (KOSGEB) Technology R&D Support funds. After that APLUS started developing other AVIEW and RIX l ETRM software solutions by considering the needs of Turkish Energy Market. Since AVIEW software family is an open source solution which could be further developed by engineers who are expert in the energy sector, these software are more flexible than other software in adapting users’ needs. Software and the solutions which are provided by AVIEW and RIX | ETRM are listed on the right-hand side:
APLUS Enerji Investment Consulting Technology & Trade Co. Ltd. is an independent consultancy and technology development company providing services for all companies which are operating in the energy markets. APLUS strives to bridge the gap between OT, IT and Quant domains by providing performant, transparent and user-friendly software tools and reports based on the state-of-the art mathematical approaches. The products offered by APLUS include short and long term load and price forecasting, integrated energy trade and risk management solutions and power plant dispatch optimization tools. In addition to providing consultancy services for its software and the business processes, APLUS also delivers financial and technical feasibility studies for power plants, technical and market consultancy for Smart Grid projects and finally, strategic consultancy for international clients interested in the Turkish Energy Market.
AVIEW | HOURLY: Short term hourly demand forecast for distribution and retail companies
AVIEW | PLANNER: Long term demand, customer number and peak load forecasts for retail and distribution companies
AVIEW | PRICE: Short term electricity price forecast for electricity trade companies
AVIEW | EMDB: Comprehensive energy market database
AVIEW | MARKETSIM: Medium and long term electricity price forecasts for electricity trade, generation and distribution companies and investors
AVIEW | CONNECT: Automated meter measurement & analyser applications; providing necessary integrations with external systems which are necessary for accurate forecasting such as EDW 3000, DGPYS, PMUM, TEIAS, Turkish State Meteorological Services, 3rd Party Meteorology Forecasting Services, Corporate IT Systems (Abone.net, Alternative, SAP-ISU, Oracle etc.)
AVIEW | THERMOSIM: Dispatch optimization model for thermal power plants in operation or to be commissioned
AVIEW | HYDROSIM: Dispatch optimization model for hydro power plants in operation or to be commissioned
A comprehensive energy trade and risk management software developed by APLUS Enerji which incorporates modules such as probabilistic price forecast, portfolio optimization models, transaction lifecycle management, reporting and quotation preparation for end users. RIX | ETRM has 5 sub-modules:
RIX | ESTIM: The module which is using the inputs from the fundamental electricity price forecasting software and generating “Probabilistic Price Forward Curve” by running Monte Carlo simulator at least 400 times
RIX | OPTIM: An integer linear optimization tool optimizing Forward – Future – Options transactions in order to determine the optimum position according risk and return expectations of users via statistical price distribution estimated by RIX | ESTIM.
RIX | TRADE: The module in which Transaction Lifecycle Management operations are being done.
RIX | onTRACK: A reporting tool which works on trader and company based risk and profitability (reports), calculates and manages the counterparty risks.
RIX | PERFORMANCE: The module in which quotation management for end-users, customer based profitability analysis and credibility management are done.
Vision, Mission and Our Values
Our Vision: Our vision is to become one of the leading companies to whom business partners will consult to take right decisions.
Our Mission: Our mission is to develop the best methodologies in our business partners’ investments and operations in order to help them in creating sustainable values.
Our Values: APLUS Energy has always been administrated by its core values which shape the culture and define the character of our company and also guide how we should behave and take decisions.
Our Values;
Collaboration | Collaborating within and outside the company to give the best which brings the local expertise and wide communication network in the energy business. | ![]() |
Commitment | Commitment to roll great product, service and other initiatives that impact lives both within and outside the organization. | |
Consistency | Being consistent in offering the best for wonderful experience which comes out with the application of scientific approach in our all projects. | |
Efficiency | Being efficient and effective in our approach to give the best solution each time. | |
Innovation | To come out with new creative ideas that have the potential to change the world. | |
Integrity | To act with honesty and integrity without compromising the truth that includes the implementation of international work ethics and standard and adopting the independency and impartiality. | |
Ownership | Taking ownership of the company and customer success. |