AVIEW | MARKETSIM generates mid- and long-term price forecasts under various scenarios and does not only provides Day Ahead Market Price forecasts to users but also forecasts for fuel prices, economic growth and energy consumption in a given period of time. Therefore, it enables the electricity generators, retail and wholesale companies and the investors to foresee the future development of Turkish Electricity Market.
AVIEW l MARKETSIM considers the forecasts of following parameters which are entered to the model.
- GDP growth
- Impact of energy efficiency investments and electric cars on electricity demand
- Hydrologic circularity and seasonality
- Projections for meteorology and natural gas crisis
- Availability of plants
- Impacts of pre and after privatizations on investments and electricity generation
- New power plant investments
- Oil, coal and natural gas prices
- Carbon market developments
Below reports are generated after the forecasts are completed:
- Demand and price forecasts in hourly, daily, monthly and annual basis
- Maximum, minimum and average price and demand forecasts
- Installed capacity and generation development on the basis of power plant type
- The list of commissioned and decommissioned power plants
- The available capacity, availability and capacity factor development on the basis of power plant type
- The development of reserve margin
- Fuel price forecasts
AVIEW | MARKETSIM uses ‘Dynamic Capacity Addition’ algorithm for commissioning power plants in the future. This algorithm performs profit/loss analysis considering the calculated market costs by the simulation. Then it decides automatically about commissioning year of the power plant considering these financial indicators.