Energy Investment Consultancy
APLUS Enerji provides various services, from technical & financial feasibility studies to market and regulation research, to local and international investors who are active or willing to be active in electricity generation, distribution and trade:
- Technical and financial consultancy in generation and distribution privatization
- Master Plan report preparation services for distribution companies
- Technical specifications and tender process consultancy for SCADA/DMS/OMS/AMR, GIS and EAM projects
- Load flow analysis services for large scale power plants
- Pre-investment feasibility studies for renewable power plants
- Services for market regulation consultancy
- Market analysis and market research reporting services
- Consultancy services for communication projects specific to energy market

Technology Development
APLUS Energy has started its technology development activities with AVIEW | Hourly project which is an hourly electricity demand forecast model is supported by Republic of Turkey Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization’s Technology R&D Support funds. APLUS has also developed other AVIEW solutions according to the requirements of energy market which can help improving corporate profits. Since AVIEW software family is open source and is developed by engineers who expert in energy sector they are more flexible than other softwares to adapt the users’ needs. The solutions that are provided by AVIEW software family are:
- Short, middle and long term hourly demand and price forecasting
- The portfolio optimization models and establishing risk management and supply strategies by using these optimization tools for producers, wholesale and retail sale companies
- Providing optimization model studies for thermal and hydraulic power plants to choose relevant equipment before investment started and reporting the results to investors
- Optimizing maintenance and operation periods of thermal and hydraulic power plants to reach the maximum profit
- Customer segmentation and consumption profiling applications for wholesale and retail sale companies
- Providing required integration with external sources which will supply input to the forecast models such as AMR & analyzer implementations, General Directorate of Meteorology, 3rd party Meteorology Forecasting Services, EDW 3000, DGPYS, PMUM and TEİAŞ
- Establishing integration with corporate IT systems (Abone.net, Alternatif, SAP)
- Portfolio optimization solutions with Risk Management Services to companies in Electricity Trade

Management Consultancy Services
APLUS Energy, by connecting its knowledge and experience with developing AVIEW software solutions, provides services for companies for their decision making and management process. Energy trade and risk strategy developing and process and organization design are the most important ones among these services. Other sub-services are as following:
- Company organization and work flow analysis
- Establishing supply company organizational structure
- Evaluation and reporting services for corporate risk analysis
- Business strategy development and creating strategic road maps
- Solutions for information technologies (IT)
- Corporate data engineering
- Corporate performance management consultancy services

Smart Cities Consultancy Service
APLUS Enerji, by connecting its knowledge on technological systems as smart energy, transportation, water management, buildings and their integrations, provides ‘’ Smart Cities Consultancy Services’’. On Other sub-services within the scope of “Smart Cities Consultancy Service” are as following:
- Specification of smart city strategies and road maps
- Clear and uninterrupted transportation
- City information platforms
- Shared infrastructure planning (water, gas, electricity, fiber etc.)
- Determination/specification of innovation regions
- Smart traffic and illumination systems
Vision: Develop the Smart City strategy and road maps.
Plan: Develop the Project plans and quality objectives
Design: Gather business requirements and design smart city services.
Build: Implement and test smart city services.
Deliver: Prepare business transition for smart city services.
Operate: Actual operation and support of smart city services.